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Organisational Fitness Profile roadmap: How to become a fit organisation

September 18, 2023 | Strategy

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At a Glance

  • Unfit organisations, or those that are unable to adapt quickly to rapid changes in technology, fierce competition, and evolving global policies, will find it difficult to sustain their presence in the marketplace.
  • A roadmap is intended to support the development of an innovation strategy and help an organisation select and implement the right initiatives.
  • An Organisational Fitness Profile (OFP) roadmap is a structured process that helps organisations identify anomalies or weaknesses in their operations.

As the world continues to grow rapidly with technological advances and unpredictable hurdles in a competitive marketplace, having a ‘fit’ organisation is critical to ensuring continued operational performance. A ‘fit’ organisation is one that is built on a solid foundation and has the tools to adapt and thrive in the midst of global change.

Unfit organisations, or those that are unable to adapt quickly to rapid changes in technology, fierce competition, and evolving global policies, will find it difficult to sustain their presence in the marketplace.

Building a ‘fit’ organisation that can withstand the ups and downs of the global economy has become more important than ever. This article explores the importance of using a road-mapping strategy to effectively build a resilient organisation. In addition, we also examine the implementation of an Organisational Fitness Profile (OFP) roadmap tailored to a company’s specific needs and objectives.

Road mapping the way to a fit organisation

In a business context, road mapping is a strategic planning process that outlines operational activities and business objectives. The creation of such a roadmap should be done in a methodical way, taking into account the business needs, providing a detailed instruction of the direction, and what has changed and what is expected to change.

It is intended to support the development of an innovation strategy. With a roadmap, it helps an organisation to choose and implement the right initiatives. It also has several other benefits, including:

  • Efficient development and control of project portfolios
  • Facilitate the development of an overall technology strategy within the organisation
  • Enabling project assessment and oversight at the business unit level
  • Creating a common innovation vocabulary that bridges the communication gap between business managers and technologists
  • Strengthen relationships with key suppliers and customers

How to get and stay fit 

Creating a roadmap is essential, and implementing an effective strategy is paramount. Every organisation should consider investing time and effort to develop an Organisational Fitness Profile (OFP) roadmap to become and stay fit.  

The OFP is a structured process that helps organisations identify anomalies or weaknesses within their operations and enables decision-makers to formulate remedies and enhancements for superior operational efficiency. It is an invaluable tool for improving the health and performance of an organisation.  

The OFP roadmap consists of four key steps, outlined below: 

1. Develop a statement of strategic and organisational direction

The process begins with the senior management team and key decision-makers working together to develop a statement of strategic and organisational direction. This statement is intended to communicate the rationale for the forthcoming strategy.

This direction statement must consider the current competitive landscape, performance targets, and the overarching business strategy. Guided by these critical factors, the senior management team proceeds to delineate the business and organisational changes necessary to align with the goals and strategy. Ultimately, this statement serves as a blueprint for evaluating how fit the organisation strives to be.

2. Establish a task force

When the statement is ready, form a task force of middle managers from different functions or departments. An inclusive team with diverse backgrounds can provide different viewpoints and ensure a thorough assessment of the organisation’s strengths and weaknesses.

3. Gather information from inside and outside the organisation

The task force should now focus on collecting relevant data from both internal and external sources on specific management practices that either facilitate or obstruct the implementation of the strategies. Internally, the task force should gather information such as current processes, systems, and employee feedback. This information provides a holistic snapshot of the current health of the organisation.

Externally, information such as market trends, customer feedback, and industry benchmarks should be collected. These provide insight into what is needed to improve the organisation’s fitness.

4. Develop an action plan

The data collected in the third phase provides key decision-makers with an insight into the effectiveness of the organisation. The senior management team and the task force should work together to develop a plan and initiate the implementation of a new vision.

OFP roadmap and innovation 

Incorporating the OFP roadmap into your innovation strategy can help your organisation stay competitive and relevant. Here’s how an organisation can use the OFP roadmap to drive innovation:  

  • Use the roadmap as a strategic blueprint for delivering customer value through innovative solutions. 
  • Encourage out-of-the-box thinking, while ensuring that decisions are based on practical business judgement. 
  • Embrace agility and adaptability in response to changing circumstances. 
  • Recognise the roadmap as a valuable tool for self-discovery, especially when an organisation is seeking new insights to revolutionise its innovation practices.  

Build a fit organisation with Renoir 

To stay fit, we need a well-structured roadmap to get us through the good and bad days. Similarly, for an organisation to get fit, it is essential to have an OFP roadmap to guide your organisation when the going gets tough, so you don’t get left behind. 

With over 25 years’ experience of delivering projects through to full adoption, from strategy to behavioural and cultural methodologies, Renoir can help you develop a business strategy and transform your business into a ‘fit’ organisation. This approach ensures that we leave the organisation and your people with the ability to continue to add value long after the project has been completed.

Do you want to reimagine the future of your business and transform it into a fit organisation?

Further Reading



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